Cross the finish line

Do you have any of these lurking about?

  • Projects started, but not quite done…
  • Unfinished tasks…
  • Decisions not made…
  • Ideas still in idea phase…
  • Looming deadlines…

These are what I call the Incompletes. They are open items still on your to-do list that eat up your energy and brain space. Incompletes nag at you, criticize you, and weigh you down. They bring a whole party of negative emotions, such as guilt, dread, overwhelm and the general feeling of, “Ugh…”

Ushering your Incompletes to their final resting place of completion is freedom – it’s truly liberating. After putting to bed their Incompletes, my clients inevitably say, “It feels so good to have these things done! I feel so much lighter!”

By completing your Incompletes, you’ll also build your completion muscles (yes, it’s a real thing – it’s right next to your focus muscle). Before you know it, you’ll find yourself finishing tasks on the spot, never allowing it to grow into an Incomplete. Completion becomes habit.

Seek Out Your Incompletes

Are you ready to shed these Incompletes and take back your energy? Search for and make a list of all your incomplete projects and tasks. Getting them down on paper is a great place to reign them in. Here are the common places where they tend to hide:

  • Your Inboxes: email, voicemail, and physical inboxes
  • Your desk: notes, papers, books, articles
  • Your calendar: upcoming meetings and due dates
  • Your home: interior, exterior, garage, cars
  • Your notes: sticky notes, notes in your phone, little scraps of paper

It’s normal to feel a bit overwhelmed at first, but don’t let that stop you. Once you make this list, you’ll feel empowered. You’ll reclaim the energy from finally taking control of your Incompletes.

Cross the Finish Line

With your list in hand, it’s time to slay the Incompletes. Here are the three strategies to help you get there:

  1. The Two Minute Rule: For small tasks that take less than two minutes, do it right away.
  2. Batch: Batch similar items on your list and do them all together. If you have a bunch of errands to run, do them all at once. If you have a dozen phone calls you need to make, power through them in one sitting.
  3. Schedule: For projects that will take more time, such as writing a proposal or preparing your financials, decide when you’ll work on it. Open up your calendar and make an appointment with yourself to complete that project. Honor that appointment just as you would a meeting with a client.

Focus on 100% completion. Don’t let distractions pull you off course. Cross that finish line – you got this!